Proctor's Linking Mission to Money offers tools and resources that will guide your nonprofit organization and everyone involved. How much longer can your organization go without linking its mission to money?
Which products will best serve your organization? Look further at Quarterly Questions, Books, An Hour with Allen, Find the Link Webinar Series, Toolkits, Organizational Assessment, Advising, and an Extensive Strategic Review.
To purchase, contact us now!
Click here for free resources to help you start linking your mission to money.
Two highly praised, insightful board governance and management books teach you how to link your organization’s mission to money:
Linking Mission to Money®: Finance for Nonprofit Leaders (New 2nd Edition)
More Than Just Money: Practical and Provocative Steps to Nonprofit Success
Ideal for anyone interested in linking an organization's mission to money
Allen will lead a 60-90 minute workshop on one of the following three topics:
To inquire about Workshops, click here.
Allen will plan and execute a structured sequence of meetings, evaluations and work assignments designed to give your executive committee the tools needed to develop an action plan.
To inquire about Executive Committee Planning Workshops, click here.
Allen leads in an all-day planning retreat to assess your organization and devise a specific, tailored strategy best suited to help you succeed.
To inquire about Board Retreats, click here.
With Allen as your coach, see your organization and everyone involved become a well designed team! Proctor’s Linking Mission to Money has developed a series of products and advising to analyze and develop each downfall and strength of your nonprofit.
Learn more about advising
Deep review and analysis of your organizational strategy and performance. It involves written surveys, interviews with leadership and a review of strategic plan with supporting documents. The Extensive Strategic Review also includes a series of structured meetings, evaluations, assignments, an assessment and an action plan.
Ideal for executive directors, board chairs, and University leadership
To inquire about Extensive Strategic Review services, click here.